Well, I realize more and more that I am woman. You may read this and think, NO DUH!!!!!! I never really considered myself a girly girl. I didn't have a problem getting dirty if it meant getting the job done. I do have a fit if I break my nail but I get over it usually!
I realize it when I get mad and instead of getting mouthy, I get quiet, try to get out of there, cool off (usually means walking or crying) and see what happens! I don't like confrontation and I don't like fights (Mostly because of what I dealt with growing up and working hard not to be that)
Well, this came when this morning when I found out my boyfriend cross that line. We know which line. The line of privacy when you discuss something that you thought was supposed to be between you and him and it was supposed to be it. Well, he told his roomie who used it jokingly to another buddy's mom that we were breaking up. Now I don't have a problem with joking but I do have a problem when my personal issues and conversations have been compromised.
Now, I know I am no better that I am posting this as my latest blog entry but I just don't understand why some men have to tell everything to everybody! I am one that likes to keep my private life private. If I have a problem and I go to someone, I expect in confidence that it would not be shared with the whole universe. Then I remembered the times that I was told something and I might have blabed about it to someone else, and realized that I should have kept my mouth shut. The law of sowing and reaping is once again proven true in my life!
I pray that me and Mick can get this resloved with no hurt feelings. I would go talk to him but tonight is the School of the Propehts and he is getting ready to preach. I don't what to burden him right before he gives a message that the Lord gives him to give to us!
I have a lot to learn about a dating relationship that might could lead to a marriage relationship! What I have learned so far.....
1. You are liking this person for who they are. You have to accept the good, the bad, and the ugly
2. Be yourself. Don't try to be something that you are not
3. Communicate, communicate, communicate. You can't read his mind and he definitely can't read yours! (Something that I am still learning)
4. Have fun. If you can't afford to go on dates, enjoy the little times you have together
Well, I am done with my soapbox for today. I feel better now that I got this off my chest, its now going to him and getting things right! Well love ya!
In Christ,
Exodus 15:2