WHERE DID THE TIME GO? I just realized that it has been a looonnnnggggg while since I have been on here. Well, here it goes! Life has been busy for me. My little sister, Gloria, got married a while back and I am rather happy they live closer to me, like a fifteen minute drive closer:).
Now that I am somewhat caught up, this month, we will celebrate Thanksgiving. Bro. Ross used to say when I was in college "Thanksgiving must be practiced". I am thankful for a Lord who saved my soul, family that loves me, friends that encourage and strengthen me, a church who goes on for the Lord, and America. What are you thankful for? Thanksgiving can be practiced everyday starting when we get out of bed and praise God that we were able to take a breath when we got up. I am telling this to myself as well as everyone else, we need to be thankful daily and praise God for the good and bad in our life. If wasn't for His grace, we would have nothing to be thankful for! I hope as you go to your families or friends for this special, remember the daily blessings that God has bestowed upon you. Love your family and cherish the precious time you have with them. God bless you all until next time.